Above is a gouache painting I made for a freelance project working with the Craft and Forge brand. The painting was used as the main artwork asset within their packaging of the tea they created in collaboration with Harney & Sons. The tea is for sale on the Harney & Sons website, the Craft and Forge website, as well as in store at the Colonial Williamsburg foundation in Virginia. 
Argyrosomus regius (head detail), gouache (A4)
Argyrosomus regius (head detail), gouache (A4)
Argyrosomus regius (full body), gouache (13 x 9 in)
Argyrosomus regius (full body), gouache (13 x 9 in)
This was my painting for my assignment within the Ichthyology course of the masters where we learned all about the biology of fish and fish illustration. Both were done using metallic gouache paint. You can see the reflective quality of the paint in the video below. 
Calcopirita, gouache (A4)
Calcopirita, gouache (A4)
Above is a gouache painting for the geography course. We went to visit a geologist's collection of gems he has mined and aquired over the years. To the right of the painting is a photo of the subject, one of the many gems from the collection.